Pronounced uh-mall-ee-uh



Brand design | Packaging design | Illustration

Project TImeline

5 months


My contribution: Art Director, Illustrator and Packaging Designer

Worked directly with Aavrani CEO and Marketing Lead


I began working with Aavrani shortly before their brand relaunch, as they took their Indian-inspired skincare brand from a traditional look into something vibrant, young, and truly evocative of all the colors and ingredients of India. Working with their founder and CEO, Rooshy Roy, and Aavrani’s marketing team, I illustrated assets inspired by the Rooshy’s blend of Eastern and Western cultural influences. It was important to Rooshy that Aavrani’s visual brand balances Indian traditions and colors with the modern youthful aesthetic of life in the Indian diaspora. With Rooshy the team’s guidance, I developed artwork for their four hero products, and took that art into layouts for packaging that can now be found in boutique beauty shops around New York City.